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Nupo and Dinner – How To and How Much?

Lots of people choose to combine Nupo Diet and dinner with their family – the reasons for this vary. With this goal in mind, you need to be sure to get the most out of your efforts.

Six Per Day – Dinner or No Dinner.

We recommend consuming all six Nupo Diet Shakes each day, regardless of whether you are eating dinner or not. That’s because Nupo Diet is designed and optimized to replace your complete daily diet, not just a part of it. The nutritional composition is therefore optimal only when consuming all six shakes per day, regardless if you choose our soups, shakes, or porridge.
It’s almost impossible to replace the nutrients in one or two shakes with the nutrients that you might get from one meal. That means that you will miss out on some essential nutrients to cover your body’s needs. If you don’t get the optimal nutritional composition during your weight loss, your weight loss will consist more so protein and fluids, instead of fat. This means that you, in part, can experience that you might quickly regain the weight you lost, and also lose muscle mass which would previously have helped you burn more calories. Therefore; six shakes per day – regardless of whether you are eating Nupo and your regular dinner together or not. It’s better to eat the extra calories that your dinner contains than to miss out on the essential nutrients that contribute to an optimal and lasting weight loss.
Previously, Nupo had a “token system”, which let you eat a certain amount of “tokens” worth of food every day, alongside the Nupo Diet. This system was discontinued several years ago, yet due to popular demand, we will soon be ready to implement an alternative to the “token” system. Nupo’s Success Guide for permanent weight loss will instead include a point list which will also make it easier for you to get an overview of which foods you pay extra attention to once you’ve achieved your weight loss goals, and want to maintain your new weight.

Avoid Carbohydrates, When You Combine Nupo and Dinner

If you do choose to eat Nupo and dinner together, the main rule to follow is to avoid carbohydrates. Consuming carbs will result in you being unable to enter ketosis.

Also read: What is Ketosis? 

Carbs are found in all grain products – e.g. pasta and bread – which otherwise can be great sources of minerals and fiber, but during weight, loss bread contains more carbs than you’d like. Avoid legumes such as peas, anything that contains sugar, and baked root vegetables – e.g. potatoes, parsley, parsnips, and carrots. Raw carrots can be eaten, yet baked carrots have a high glycaemic index and will disrupt ketosis and your blood sugar.

Are Approx. 800 kcal a Day Enough?

Yes. The energy you need is already stored in your fat reserves. Your body has been saving this fat for a day when you would be in a caloric deficit – and that day could be today! However, it does take a few days on a pure Nupo Diet before you feel your body starting to use this energy. When the body switches from using carbs as its primary energy source to instead using fat, you may experience a dip in energy.

Also read: The first week of The Nupo Diet – what to expect?

I Have Read and Heard That 700kcal Is Not Healthy

If you are eating regular food, then that’s correct. It would not be healthy to experience such a drastic energy deficit, as you simply wouldn’t have the required nutritional profile when eating regular food for under 1300 kcal. Yet with Nupo you’ll get all the nutrients required from the six shakes each day, and as such you have nothing to be nervous about!

Can’t I Just Take Vitamins Instead?

No. It’s not just the essential vitamins and minerals that create the optimal conditions for weight loss. It’s also the essential fatty acids, fiber, and proteins that won’t be covered by vitamin pills.

Can I Replace 1-2 Diet Shakes With a One Meal Bar or One Meal Ready-Made Drink?

No. Nupo Diet is a complete meal replacement, which Nupo One Meal is a single meal replacement.
One Meal bars and ready-made drinks are intended for after the Nupo Diet and when you are transitioning back to “regular food”, where many find it difficult to keep track of their caloric intake. One Meal can replace 1-2 of your three main meals and makes sure that the body receives everything it needs in one meal for approx. 200 kcal per meal. Since One Meal is intended for after your weight loss, they contain more carbs than Nupo Diet. That’s why if you use One Meal as a replacement for Diet, you will never enter ketosis. Ketosis isn’t required for weight loss – but it does make it happen a lot quicker. On top of that, ketosis creates satiety and helps you feel fuller more often, which is worth its weight in gold.
A single One Meal equals two Diet Shakes, in relation to calories, yet in regard to nutritional value, these two can not replace one another.

3 Tips If You Combine Nupo with Dinner

  1. Try to satisfy your hunger before your dinner so you don’t overeat – for example, you could drink a Diet Shake about 30 minutes before dinner, or take two Slim Boost – Fill My Tummy capsules approx. 30 minutes before your meal, so that you feel fuller beforehand.
  2. Avoid eating carbohydrates.
  3. Drink plenty of water with your meals. During a diet, the body will release waste chemicals and accumulated toxins. This needs to be rinsed out of the body, which is done with lots of calorie-free fluids.
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Festival Season

The Festival Season has already begun, and there are festivals all summer. Festivals often mean good music, fun with friends, and alcohol.

It can be a challenge to attend these festivals and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Even though you intend to eat healthily, it can become difficult the moment you enter the festival area, and the party is going. If you just finished a weight loss, it can be challenging to “let yourself go” and join the party. Many of my clients are constantly afraid of gaining weight after their weight loss. I am very vocal about the fact that my clients need to enjoy life while maintaining a healthy lifestyle – a festival or a vacation, is not the ending of a weight loss, as long as you are able to “get back on the horse” when it is over. There needs to be room to have fun, but if you “have fun” every day and make unhealthy decisions, it will have an effect on your weight.

Nupo’s One Meal series is the perfect “festival-buddy”. The One Meal Bars and One Meal Shakes can be used to replace 1-2 meals per day if you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. When you replace a meal with a One Meal product, you will only eat about 200 calories! You can make a “festival kit” for yourself, or if you have kids attending a festival, it would be an obvious addition to their backpacks.

When you need to lose weight or want to maintain your current weight, there are two things you can adjust – (1) your calorie intake, and (2) your activity level. In a weight loss, you need to eat fewer calories, than your body uses. This balance should be adjusted if you wish to maintain weight. Another solution is to heighten your activity level or a combination of both. When attending a festival, it is an obvious chance to increase your activity level, by dancing the extra calories away.

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Enjoy your vacation

You are probably not the only one who has been counting down to the yearly summer vacation. It is great to be off from work for a longer period and it is great to get a break from all the daily routines that come with life in general. It is great to be able to plan the next vacation and who to spend it with.

It is wonderful to rest and only do whatever you feel like doing. Many people like an active vacation and others want to relax and do absolutely nothing. There are lots of possibilities if you wish to be active during your vacation. Most destinations are suitable for biking if you want to bring your bike. In southern Europe, lots of people bring their bikes when going on vacation. Our vacation is spent in a place where you can go swimming every day. There is a giant pool and it is open in the morning and at night exclusively to people who wish to exercise. It is also a great place for running or walking. In the nearby town, there are tennis courts and a great old golf course. There are a lot of possibilities and the summer vacation is great for trying out new sports and for getting out of your comfort zone.

It is nice to be able to detox the brain and get ready for another year of early mornings, packed lunches, grocery planning, and shopping, and various daily sports activities in the family, every day every week all year. Vacation time is also the time to do something good for yourself. If you wish to lose weight your vacation is a perfect time to do it. You are the lead character in your vacation. You can bring the Nupo VLCD on your vacation and use it to lose a few pounds or to maintain your weight while you are on vacation. On the days where you decide to use Nupo VLCD, you don’t have to plan your meals. All you must do is to make the shakes and drink them, six a day, and remember to drink two to three liters of water a day besides what is in your shakes. It is easy, and it works.

You get the best results if you are motivated and have the time and energy to do it. Summer vacation can be the perfect time to begin your weight loss journey because you don’t necessarily have to be social with other people and you might be in a place where you are not tempted with different foods and you have the time to rethink your food habits. Maybe you are normally gaining weight during your vacation and dieting after your vacation? Maybe this year this vacation is the time where your clothes still fit when you get back to work?

You can use Nupo VLCD in different ways. You can choose to use it on weekdays which gives you more calories to spend during the weekend or you can use it as a 5:2 diet where you use Nupo VLCD for two days during the week and eat regular food the other five days. No matter what your needs are I am sure that you do exactly what you feel like and what suits you. And no matter if you have packed the Nupo VLCD or not in your suitcase I wish you a great vacation where you get to relax and detox your brain and charge your batteries for a new year.

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Summer parties and weight loss – is it possible?

We are close to the middle of the summer and a lot of people are throwing parties. Besides the midsummer, there are lots of other reasons for partying – student graduations, weddings, and lots of birthday parties.

If you are on a diet and losing weight you can still participate in the parties you are invited to. You can attend parties and still be healthy and lose weight. Changing how you eat and live is not a short-term plan, it is for the long term. When you are dieting and have changed your eating habits you can of course attend a party and eat and drink what is served. The day after the party you need to go back to your healthy habits again. If you go back to your old eating habits and stick to them you will gain all the weight you have lost. For most people, it is easy to lose weight if they follow the right plan. The difficult part of weight loss is to keep the weight off. If you have kept the weight off for a year or longer it is likely that you are able to maintain your weight loss.

When you attend a party, you need to relax and enjoy yourself. Letting go for a single day does not have a great negative impact on your weight loss or on your healthy lifestyle. The day after the party you just need to find the right track again and continue your healthy habits. A lot of people think that breaking their diet for a single day is a major bummer and they do not have the strength to go back to the healthy habits the day after. They think that they are addicted to for example sugar if they have been eating cake and that they need to do a detox from their sugar addiction before they are back on track. This is part of the reason why I do not recommend that a diet exclude any kind of food if you want to lose weight or live healthier. I think it is important that your diet gives you the option for living a normal life with normal activities where you can eat normal food in the company of other people.

I experience that people who have success losing weight and maintaining their weight loss are those who eat food they like but in smaller portions. They keep track of their calorie intake and most of them also exercise more than before the diet. When they have been at a social get-together and been eating and drinking more than they normally do, a day or two with a focus on their calorie intake and portion sizes get them back on the right track again and maintains their weight loss. Nupo One Meal is really useful if you want to keep track of your calorie intake. There are approximately 200 calories in a shake or in a bar and they come in many different tastes and there is a taste for everyone. You can substitute one or two meals a day with a One Meal shake or bar. It is a super easy solution if you want to live a life where you are around other people to social get-togethers. One Meal shake or bars can help you limit your calorie intake in order for you to have more calories to spend when being social.

Health consultant, Team Nupo.

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Are you ready for the wedding season?

It is always nice to be invited to a wedding. You get to wear a gorgeous dress or suit, and you get to meet new people and maybe old friends that you have not had the time to see for a while. I am always super excited to see what kind of food we are having – I am a huge food lover.

I often hear my clients say that they would like to lose a few pounds before a given date. Maybe the dress they bought on sale for their best friend’s wedding is a size too small? If your dress or suit that you are determined to wear at the wedding is a size too small or if you are the lucky one who is getting married and wants to lose a few pounds before the big day, you still have the time to do it. Even if the party or wedding is only a month or a few weeks away you can manage to lose some pounds before the big day if you start now.

There are lots of strategies to use when it comes to losing weight. Common to all of the strategies is that you have to eat fewer calories than you burn. One strategy is counting your daily calorie intake. Many people achieve very good results from logging all the food, they eat every day when counting calories. If you have the time and the courage to log all the food you eat during the day there are lots of apps and programs available on the internet and in App-stores. You need to make a profile and register your age, gender, height, weight, and the average level of physical activity. The program or app calculates how many calories you can consume each day and still lose maybe one or two pounds a week. Another strategy is portion size control. If you eat approximately the same amount of food every day you can lose weight by simply make your portions smaller. A third strategy is to use Nupo’s VLCD powder. When using Nupo’s VLCD powder, your intake is only around 700 calories per day and you will therefore be in a calorie deficit and lose weight. You can also substitute a meal or two a day with Nupo’s One Meal products, One Meal shake, or One Meal bar only contains around 200 calories. When using One Meal bars or shakes as a meal replacement for breakfast or lunch you can easily keep track of your calories and you can still eat dinner with your family.

It is all the excess calories that make you gain weight. Most people know, what it takes to lose a few pounds, but sometimes it can be a great help to have a professional dietitian design a personal plan or to give you advice about how to prepare your food in a smarter and healthier way.

Very often people just need to make some small adjustments to their daily eating habits and it is possible to lose weight without eliminating certain food groups from your diet. There is even room for a glass of wine or a small piece of cake in a diet plan that still leaves you in a calorie deficiency if you desire a glass of wine or a piece of cake. The most important factor is that your diet plan fits your regular eating habits and that the food components are similar to what you normally eat.

Health consultant, Team Nupo.