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Can Your Metabolism stop moving? How the Metabolism Works

You have probably heard people say things like “It’s not healthy to lose weight too fast, as it’ll make your metabolism stall” or “Your body will go into survival mode” and such. These statements are neither completely true nor false. Let’s start by getting one thing out of the way first. The rate you burn calories will never just stall.

What is the Metabolism?

Metabolism is a term that collectively describes how your body converts and uses energy.
There’s a difference when talking about metabolic hormones, and metabolism in general – the latter referring to your body’s ability to burn energy.
Most people have probably heard, or even thought themselves “I’m overweight because I have a low metabolism” or “You can eat anything you want without gaining weight! You must have a high metabolism.” Metabolism is often referred to as a part of our biological make-up that regulates how fast or how slow we burn calories. But the metabolism is so much more than that. Metabolism is all chemical reactions that occur in the body; all the hormones, brain cells, intestinal cells, and fat cells that regulate our health, aging process, body weight, and how we burn calories.

When we talk about having a high or low metabolism – or when we talk about something being wrong with the metabolism, it’s usually in relation to imbalances in the regulation of thyroid hormones; a metabolic disease. If you think you might have a metabolic disease you should see your doctor, as such a disease can influence many aspects of your body.
Even though you feel like you gain weight as soon as you even look at a piece of cake, it’s quite rare that this has anything to do with the metabolic disease – or an imbalance in your metabolism.

How the Metabolism Works

The human metabolism consists of three parts, which all have an influence on your body’s energy conversion.

1. Resting Metabolic Rate/Basal Metabolic Rate

We can call this our “idle energy consumption”. This is the amount of energy your body needs to stay alive when you are idle or resting. The resting metabolism is affected by age, gender, and body weight, as well as how these aspects relate to your genes. The resting metabolism normally amounts to approx. 50-70% of the total calories your body burns.

2. Food-Induced Metabolism

The energy your body uses to metabolize the food you consume. How much energy is used is dependent on what you consume. There are some foods that the body uses more energy to convert than others (e.g. proteins), while others require almost no energy to metabolize (e.g. refined sugar)

3. Physical Activity Level

This is the part that varies most depending on activeness. A carpenter or tradesperson would, for example, burn a lot more calories than someone working in an office, as the former spend the day doing hard physical labor. Yet all activity increases the number of calories burned. Even small things like tapping on your desk with your fingers while you’re waiting for something. The more you move, the more calories you burn. Depending on how active you are throughout a day, your physical activity accounts for approx. 20-40% of the total amount of calories burned that day.

If you consume more energy than you use, then your body will store this excess energy in your fat reserves to be used later; i.e. you gain weight. This is known as a caloric surplus. If you consume fewer calories than you use, your body will take from your fat stores; i.e. you’ll lose weight. This is known as a caloric deficit. To maintain a normal weight, you must maintain an energy balance. This means that you must consume about the same amount of energy that your body uses.

Can Your Metabolism “Stall”?

During weight loss, there will undoubtedly be some metabolic changes. That said, people’s understanding of the metabolic process isn’t always in line with reality. Even under conditions where the body experiences extremely low energy consumption (and as such quick weight loss), such as on a VLCD (Very low-calorie diet) like the Nupo Diet, the body’s metabolism will never “stall”. Back in 1945, there were studies conducted where a group of 32 men was subjected to a calorie deficit of 55% (approx. 1500 daily calories). Simply put, they had their normal calorie intake halved for a period of 24 weeks. When the experiment concluded, all the participants had, on average, reduced their body weight by 25%, and their body far percentage had fallen to 5%. Additionally, the studies showed no signs that their metabolism had stalled, and there were no signs of their bodies entering any sort of “survival mode”.

Read more: what is the Nupo Diet?

But then why is it that you might have a hard time losing weight, even if you are consuming few calories and maybe even being physically active every day? It’s usually a combination of three things:

Change in Body Weight

When you lose weight, you won’t be moving around as much mass as did before your weight loss. As such, you won’t be burning as many calories doing the same daily activities and workouts as you did previously. With a reduced mass, your body now requires fewer resources to keep your body running. Therefore, it’s important to adjust your calorie intake and physical activity to maintain your weight loss.
You’ll need to consume fewer calories and maintain your energy balance.

You are Subconsciously Doing Less

After a longer period on a tight diet, experiencing weight loss, and reducing your calorie consumption, it’s completely normal to feel worn out. Maybe you’ve even started working out. Perhaps you’ve doubled your cardio over the last 4-6 months, and maybe you’ve reduced your daily calorie count by 500-1000. Despite feeling like you are doing more, your total physical activity may have dropped. NEAT(Non-exercise activity thermogenesis) is everything that you do outside of the gym; going to work, fetching coffee, cleaning, grocery shopping, walking the dog, laundry, etc., and if you are far along on your weight loss journey, you will probably be subconsciously less active – regardless if you are working out at the same time. Your net gain regarding your physical activity outside of the gym (NEAT) will therefore fall drastically. This type of physical activity, as mentioned earlier, accounts for between 20-40% of your total energy consumption, which means this is one of the factors to keep an eye on. A step counter can be a great tool here.

Adjustments in Your Metabolism

As we covered earlier, your metabolism can’t “stall”. But it can certainly adapt to low energy consumption and high activity levels. The quicker you lose weight, the quicker these adjustments will take place. Your body will become more and more effective when converting and using the energy you need, and you will often see major hormonal changes in people who are, or have been, in the process of losing a lot of weight. These adjustments are inevitable. You can use techniques to keep these adjustments down, yet these techniques include breaks from your diet and/or slower weight loss.
These three points are all related and it’s important to understand these processes when you have a greater weight loss goal in mind. Manipulating things like the aforementioned NEAT (your daily physical activity) can have very positive effects on your weight loss and can also ensure steady progression regarding your weight loss for a longer duration of time. Before you label yourself as someone with a “poor” or “slow” metabolism, think about the first two points, and consider what you are eating on a daily basis. We know that people aren’t always the best at guessing how much we eat, or self-tracking in general, so it’s always a good idea to set aside a few days where you write down everything you eat and drink, and how much. Not for the sake of others, but for your own sake. You are probably eating vastly more than you think.

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Keeping up motivation

How to keep up the motivation

Most people know the feeling of being motivated to start a lifestyle change. Then suddenly the motivation disappears and the project seems unmanageable. It is the wrong time. You are stressed. You have a thousand other things you need to attend to, so this will have to wait. You accidentally ate something yesterday, which you had otherwise agreed with yourself that you should not – and now it feels like everything is ruined.

There may be several reasons why we suddenly give up. One reason may also be that we set too high expectations for our own ability. When our goals become too obscure and seem too far away, we may lose the belief that we can complete the project. Therefore, realistic goals are important. Giving yourself a reward when you reach a partial goal can be a great help. For example, a reward can be in the form of a manicure or giving yourself a new clothe-item – or training pants. But be aware! If you are in a weight loss cause, you may have a tendency to reward yourself with food. If you recognize this, have a focus on not rewarding yourself with the habit you are working to change!

In order for the weight loss project to be successful, one must necessarily change some habits. When you change habits, you change something that otherwise fitted into your life. Leaving one’s comfort zone is rarely easy, but in many cases, it is necessary to reach your goal.

Sometimes it can be an advantage if the project is carried out together with somebody else. You can talk together about the process, the ups, and the downs, and motivate each other on difficult days. If you don’t know anybody who is willing to change their habits like you are, you can team up with a good friend who you trust, and arrange for you to meet once a week, to measure your goals. It can help to feel “accountable” toward someone. Seeking professional help can also be an advantage – for example, if you are going to be physically active, it may be an advantage for you to consult with, for example, a physical therapist or a personal trainer. Ally with someone who can help maintain your motivation and get back on track if you have lost motivation – and remind yourself why you want to achieve your goal.

Top 10 keys to motivation

1. Own your successes!

Be aware and take ownership of what you have already achieved. A good day will never return badly.

2. Involve family and friends

Tell your loved ones about your weight loss plans. Also, tell them when you have achieved one of your sub-goals. It greatly helps the motivation to have others cheering you on.

3. Kill the negative thoughts!

You can do this! Be positive and do not drown yourself in negative thoughts about how you may not succeed. Of course, you will! Decide, commit and brag about your results!

4. Set realistic goals and sub-goals and reward yourself when you reach them.

Take one day at a time, in difficult periods. Just decide what you want to do today! Tomorrow is another thing – you will decide on that tonight. Small goals, which can be the number on the weight, the fact that you got through the day, or a pair of jeans that you want to get back into.

5. Ally you with a friend

Motivating each other can be a huge help – also on days where your alter-ego wants to stuff your mouth with chocolate and sweets because you have a bad day.

6. Make sure you have purchased what you need for your Diet and never go shopping when hungry!

The less you have to think about, and the less you have to do to get through the day, the better.

7. Decide for a weekly weigh/measure day

Do the weight or measurement thing once a week. Try to find the motivation in the project rather than the number. Love the journey as much as you long for the goal.

8. If your weight is not down, make a diary of what you eat and drink.

If you are on the Nupo Diet, that is not necessary. You know you are in a calorie deficit and you know you are losing weight. Fluids in the body can occasionally result in the number on the weight standing still. If the number does not move – move your focus. For example to a measurement tape, or how many steps you have taken today (always aim for 10.000 steps per day.

9. Get plenty of night sleep

The magic in our bodies happens when we are asleep. A good night’s sleep gives energy, better mood and gives the body the best conditions for detoxing and embracing the changes and new and healthier habits.

10. Drink plenty of water

While the magic inside the body happens while you are asleep, it can only be so if you’re giving the body the needed conditions to make the magic happen. Water will help you detox and flush out all the accumulated toxins. Water has countless advantages! Drink it. Preferably 2-3 Liters per day during a weight loss.

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The first week of the Nupo Diet – what to expect?

What to expect from the first week of the Nupo Diet.

“Is that normal?”

During the first week of the Nupo Diet, it is perfectly normal to experience some “side effects”.

How much or how little you notice of these depends on which lifestyle you come from. The symptoms, or side effects, you experience make themselves applicable to any strict diet and are therefore not conditional on the Nupo Diet per se. Below we have listed the most frequent “side effects” of a diet. If you have other experiences that you would like to know more about or inquire about, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service.


If you are used to consuming a certain amount of sugar and from one day to the next, stop it, headache is an almost inevitable side effect as the body responds to the reduced sugar intake. The headache is thus a sign that the body does not get the sugar it is used to. The headache disappears within a relatively short time when your body gets used to being on the Nupo Diet and does not have that hunger for sugary foods. If you make sure you get approx. 300 ml of water with each of your 6 Nupo Diet products a day – and in addition, drink 2-3 liters of calorie-free liquid, there should be nothing to worry about. If necessary, take a headache pill, but there may also be something in “surviving” the headache and knowing that it is the body detoxing.

Dizziness and coldness

If you have been used to consuming 2500-3000 kcal daily and suddenly only provides the body approx. 700 kcal daily to achieve an energy deficit (and consequent weight loss), the body will respond, for example, expressed by dizziness or coldness.

As soon as the body gets used to the new conditions it changes. However, coldness can be something you experience for a longer period of time since you give your body less energy than before, your body needs more energy (from your stored fat depots) to keep you running. This may periodically mean that the body is trying to maintain its core temperature, now that the energy level is reduced and the body must prioritize the use of energy.

Fatigue and inattention

It is perfectly normal to feel more tired, sleepy, lethargic, and having difficulty concentrating the first week of an actual diet. The body has previously had an abundance of energy that is suddenly taken from it. During the period when the body goes from using carbohydrates as its primary source of energy to using stored fat depots as its primary source of energy, one is extra tired. As soon as the body goes into ketosis (fat burning) the energy will return and you will be clear in your head and be re-filled with energy.

You already have all the energy you need in your stored fat depots, but the body’s transition from one fuel source to another will undoubtedly consume a little of the surplus.

Also read: What is ketosis?


Hunger is an inevitable part of rearranging one’s diet as much, as you will with a Nupo Diet. If you are overweight, you have given your body more energy than it was able to use, over a period of time. The stomach expands according to the amount of food consumed. Now that the stomach does not get the same amount of food as before, it will “ask for more” until it has become accustomed to the new and limited amount of food.

It usually does so within a week’s time. If the hunger is too hard for you, or demands a lot of your attention – or is directly uncomfortable, we recommend taking a diet supplement that gives you calorie-free satiety, such as Slim Boost – Fill My Tummy.
Water can also provide satiety. When your body achieves ketosis you will find that hunger disappears. Ketosis has the fantastic ability to give a natural feeling of satiety.

Frequent – or fewer – toilet visits

During the first week of the Nupo Diet, you presumably significantly reduce your carbohydrate intake in relation to the lifestyle you come from. It almost applies to everyone, whether you are overweight or just want to get rid of 5 vanity pounds. Carbohydrates bind fluid to the body – actually up to 3 times its own weight! Therefore, when carbohydrate intake is as limited as on the Nupo Diet, the body will let go of a lot of accumulated fluid. This means many pee-trips to the toilet – and a fantastic motivating result on the weight. But don’t be fooled. Losing up to 3 kg during the first week of the Nupo Diet is not unusual. But! Due to the many toilet visits, you may find that it is the fluid loss that has the credit for much of the weight loss in the first week.

In addition, you can expect a stomach that may “communicate” a little more rumble than you are used to. Again, it depends a lot on what lifestyle you come from. If you’ve been used to much dietary fiber in your diet, you may not notice much more than an extra fart during the day. If you have not been used to a lot of dietary fiber, you may experience almost thunderous rumbling from the stomach, air, and possibly an extra toilet visit or two – which is not necessarily the way it usually is. You can experience both diarrhea and constipation during a weight loss course as your body naturally is detoxing.

As soon as the stomach gets used to the many good dietary fibers, it all normalizes again. However, you must be aware – even at length – that you will visit the toilet less. 6 liquid meals a day is super healthy for the body as it absorbs nutrients from the liquid diet much better. We humans rarely chew the food so thoroughly that the body can fully benefit from the nutrition that is in our food. When the food is liquid, the body gets the best conditions to absorb nutrients. But what is left in the intestinal system is sparse and you should, therefore, expect less of these “daily breaks” during your diet.

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How much weight can I lose with Nupo Diet?

How much can you expect to lose with Nupo? It is obvious that this is a primary question, when considering a diet. However, it is also one of the hardest questions to answer, as the amount, and the rate we lose that amount, is very individual.

However, to give an indication, you will typically – after 8 weeks – lose around 10-15% of your starting weight, if you follow the Nupo diet without deviation with 6 sachets per day – and nothing else, but plenty of calorie free liquid. Following this will increase the speed of your results, and fast results are for many equal an increase in the motivation to continue.


Weight loss is simply about providing your body with fewer calories than it actually needs. With Nupo’s weight loss calculator, you get an indication and estimation on how many days it will take for you to achieve your desired weight loss goal with Nupo, or with another type of diet, which provides you with a daily calorie intake of approx. 700 calories. The calculation is based on the 35+ clinical studies that is behind Nupo Diet. For some it goes fast, and for some it goes a little slower – the results are as unique as we are as people.

What have you got to lose?

Estimate how many days it will take to achieve your desired weight loss with Nupo Diet. Read the guidelines here.

Congrats with your weight loss
From your self in 2 weeks
Desired weight
loss (kg):
Activity level:
Choose gender:
Estimate dietary period
??? DAYS

I understand.

What is a VLCD diet?

VLCD stands for Very Low Calorie Diet. A VLCD diet is characterized by the amount of calories that is consumed per day, which usually is between 600-1200 calories a day. With Nupo Diet, you get approx. 700 calories per day.

Read more about Nupo Diet here.

Calculate your weight loss with Nupo

There is not a concrete formular that shows you exactly how much you can lose with Nupo. However, there are some “rule of thumbs”, which can provide you with a decent indication on what you can expect. The following calculation is therefore not complete precise, but gives you an estimation of what you can expect if you choose Nupo.

To maintain your weight, it is crucial to be in an energy balance. This means that you eat the same of amount energy that your body uses. Therefore, weight gain is due to an indifference in the energy balance, where you consume more energy than your body needs, and the opposite happens when you use more energy than you eat – you will lose weight. How much energy you need per day depends on your metabolism that consist of:

1) Resting metabolic rate

The energy your body needs to keep itself alive, when you are in a relaxing state. This is primarily the energy that your body uses to breath and make your heart beat.

2) Energy conversion

The energy your body needs to transform the food you are eating. Some foods demand more energy from the body to transform (e.g. proteins), and other foods is fairly easy for the body to transform (e.g. simpel carbohydrates such as white bread and potatoes).

3) Physical activity level

Your resting metabolic rate is behind approx. 50-70% of what your body burns, while being physical activity is approx. 20-40%.

The average woman needs approx. 2000 calories per day to maintain an energy balance, while the average man needs approx. 2500 calories. This may deviate a little, however it is not a considerable amount from person to person. The body works different and reacts different to changes – but we can estimate an expected weight loss by following calculation.

Expected weight loss with Nupo Diet

For an average female:

Intake: approx. 700 calories per day.
Calorie deficit: 1300 calories  (1300 x 7 days = 9100)
Calorie deficit per week: 9100 calories.
1 kg. fat tissue is 7000 calories (9100 divided by 7000)
Expected weight loss per week: 1.3 kg.

For an average male:

Intake: approx. 700 calories per day.
Calorie deficit: 1800 calories  (1800 x 7 days = 12600)
Calorie deficit per week: 12600 calories.
1 kg. fat tissue is 7000 calories (12600 divided by 7000)
Expected weight loss per week: 1.8 kg.

Weight loss with a normal, healthy diet

With a healthy and energy restricted diet, it is nearly impossible to cover all the body’s basic nutritional requirements and be in a significant energy deficit at the same time. Therefore, you will undeniably consume more calories with a normal diet. The average female needs approx. 1200 calories per day, to provide their body with something to live of.

Calculation of weight loss with a normal, energy restricted diet – for an average female

Intake: approx. 1200 calories daily
Calorie deficit per day: = 800 calories (800 x 7 days = 5600)
Calorie deficit per week: 5600 calories.
1 kg. fat tissue is 7000 kcal (5600 divided by 7000)
Expected weight loss per week: 0.8 kg.

Expectations and results with Nupo within a period of 8 weeks

The clinical studies show, as aforementioned, that it is possible, with an 8 week period, to lose approx. 10-15% of your starting weight.

A female that weighs 75 kg will, in 8 weeks, be expected to lose approx. 7.5-11 kg. by replacing her diet with Nupo Diet – and therefore end on a weight that is approx. 64-67.5 kg.

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Lose weight after your pregnancy

It is completely natural to gain weight when you are going through a pregnancy. On average, normal-weight women in Denmark gain about 12-15 kilos during their pregnancy.

The extra kilos come from different areas of the pregnancy: 3,5 kilos is the baby, 2 kilos are the amniotic fluid, 2 kilos are an increase in breasts and uterus, 3 kilos are extra water in the body, and the last 1,5 kilos are an increase in fat. If you gain more than 12 kilos, it is probably due to an increase in the amount of fat than the normal 1,5 kilos. However, it is important to emphasize that the weight gained, and the distribution of it varies from person to person.

You have probably heard that you should “eat for two” during pregnancy, but your calorie need is actually only increased by 200-300 calories per day – that is approximately a slice of rye bread with 5 grams of butter and two slices of cheese. Advice would be that it is easier to prevent a bigger weight gain, while you are pregnant than losing the excess weight afterward.

When your pregnancy is over, and you are dying to get back into your favorite pants, it is not recommended that you begin a strict diet if you are still breastfeeding, as your calorie needs are increased by approximately 600 calories per day. For most breastfeeding women, the deposits gained during the pregnancy can handle this extra calorie need. Naturally, this means that you will most likely lose weight at a slow and steady pace if you a normal, healthy diet. After the birth, and while you breastfeed, it is ideal to implement some physical activity by long walks with the baby carriage.

When you are done breastfeeding, you can – in good conscience – begin losing the last kilos. As in all weight loss programs, it is essential that you are in a calorie deficit if you want to lose weight. For example, increase the number of vegetables and fruits in your diet, can cut down on carbohydrate sources such as rice, pasta, (white)bread, and potatoes. If you replace your carbohydrates with vegetables, you will automatically lower the number of calories, as vegetables often have a far lower carbohydrate content than aforementioned.

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The road to a lasting weight loss

Most people, who have been through a weight loss, end up gaining a few kilos afterward – and some even gain more weight than they lost in the first place. It can be extremely difficult to maintain a new lifestyle that is needed after a finished weight loss when you have achieved the weight loss you wished for.

I usually say that weight loss has no end date, as it is a constant battle to maintain a new lifestyle, and keep healthy habits and get rid of the unhealthy, old habits. Often we wish to lose some weight before a certain event, for example; weddings, but it is certainly just as important to remember the lifestyle after the weight loss.

It is not everybody that can lose weight with the correct tools and guidance. As the biggest obstacle first shows itself after the weight loss has been achieved. Many people have issues getting back on track if they have been on a vacation where the diet and activity level have been different from their everyday. Therefore, an essential part of the guidance in weight loss, if to learn the right portion sizes, and which foods should be avoided completely.

It is all about two things, (1) be aware of your calorie balance: maintain a calorie deficit and (2) never let go of the new, healthy lifestyle – make it a routine. The new habits, gained during weight loss, need to be implemented in your every day for the rest of your life. It is all about keeping a balance, if you choose to eat a piece of cake, or some other sweets, you need to prepare yourself, to give up on something else in your diet. Sweets and other snacks that are eaten between meals might be the reason that your weight loss is not as significant as you have wanted.

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Maintain muscle mass

When you lose weight, it is nearly impossible not to lose a portion of your muscle mass at the same time. This means if you are eating a calorie-reduced diet or are following one of the many food trends, which allows you to be in a calorie deficit; you will lose muscle mass as well as fat tissue.

Naturally, there are ways that you can minimize the loss of muscle mass. By combining the right diet with a healthy amount of strength training, might result in an increase in muscle mass instead of a loss. However, you have to continuously make an effort to maintain that muscle mass – especially as you get older, as your muscle mass naturally decreases.

Proteins are the building blocks of your body, and of the nutrients that you get from meat, lentils, beans, soy products, and milk products. Proteins are already a part of your diet, but if you wish to build muscle mass, you might find it necessary to increase the amount of protein in your diet. Nupo offers two different protein bars (called Protein Bites), which are easy to bring along, to be enjoyed on the go, or after a successful workout.

Strength training is a broad definition, and covers a wide variety of exercise options – but it is essential that you are putting your muscles under stress. It can be beneficial to find different exercises or programs online to get you started right away. You do not necessarily need a gym to do strength training; you can easily work out at home without a ton of equipment, as there are plenty of bodyweight exercises.

If you find it difficult to get started, I can recommend using a “workout diary” to keep track of your exercises – what exercise do you need to do, and how many repetitions should you do. Furthermore, it is a great way to schedule your workouts – I often plan one week ahead, so I can make sure that I have time for all my workouts.

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How should I eat?

The official dietary advice is based on evidence-based science and is meant for people that wish to eat healthily. The dietary advice is continuously updated, so they hold up to the latest news from health science studies. Here are some of the most essentials from the list.

1. Eat a balanced diet – not too much – and be physically active

Remember to implement a lot of vegetables, fruit, and whole-wheat products in your diet every day. Eat different types of fish, lean dairy products, and lean meat during the week – remember that variation is key. Maintain a good balance between your energy intake and your energy usage. Follow the official instructions in regards to physical activity.

2. Eat fruit and a lot of vegetables

Eat six pieces of fruit and vegetables every day – at least half of these should be vegetables. Pick vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, root vegetables, or beans. Eat vegetables for every meal, and eat fruit or vegetables as snacks – 100 gram of vegetables or fruits are equal to one apple or a large carrot.

3. Eat more fish

Eat fish two times a week for a primary meal. It is recommended that you eat 350 grams of fish per week, of which 200 grams should be salmon, herring, or mackerel. All types count: frozen fish, canned fish, shellfish, and clams.

4. Choose the whole-wheat alternatives

Eat a minimum of 75 grams of whole grain – it is equal to approx. 1 slice of rye bread and 2 deciliters of oatmeal. When you are grocery shopping, go for the whole-wheat options such as brown pasta and brown rice – and stay away from the white bread without any grains.

5. Eat less saturated fat

Cut down on the saturated fat; choose plant oils such as canola oil or olive oil, instead of butter and margarine. For example, fry your food in oil instead of butter.

6. Drink plenty of water

Drink water as a replacement for sodas, alcohol, and juice – this also applies when you are hungry during meals or exercising. When it is hot, you will need more fluid – you can also add tea and coffee, as they are low-calorie options, as well as being low on sugar.

7. Eat food with less salt

Read the description of the foods, when you are grocery shopping, to avoid sugar, fat, salt as well as making sure that you get enough fibers and whole grains. When you are cooking, replace salt with alternative spices or herbs.

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Walking as an alternative exercise

If you think that exercising is difficult, because you have not done it in years, it is just a bad excuse for not getting started. You can get in decent shape, just by implementing long, regular walks in your calendar. Walking has plenty of benefits compared to running. For example, walking will not overload your joints in the same matter as running would.

Furthermore, you can probably endure longer distances when walking, than you can run because it is not nearly as exhausting. Walking also has the benefit that it does not require any special or particular outfit before you can start your walk. You burn nearly the same amount of calories when you walk, and it is beneficial for your general health. As with any exercise, there is no need to start by walking for 1-2 hours – you can easily build yourself up slowly, and for example, start with 1 kilometer and increase the distance from there.

If you are carrying a few too many kilos on the sides, have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or have a risk of developing diabetes, you can be guaranteed to improve your overall health by implementing regular walks in your daily life. It might seem overwhelming to use 1 hour each day walking, but most people can agree that they spent about the same amount of time in front of a screen – smartphone, TV, or computer. The time spent on these devices could be replaced with a nice, long walk. By doing this, you might quickly experience that the quality of your sleep schedule and energy level increases. The late summer and early autumn are also perfect for walking as a means of exercising, and it increases your physical health as well as your mental health.

Just do it! One of the key factors in changing your habits regarding exercise is taking that final decision that takes you from “thinking about exercise” to “doing the exercise”. If you want to fit into an old dress or pair of jeans, you need to do(!) something and not think about it. If you begin today, and slowly increase the distance – or time spent – on walking, there is a great chance that it will become a habit when autumn arrives.

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Festival Season

The Festival Season has already begun, and there are festivals all summer. Festivals often mean good music, fun with friends, and alcohol.

It can be a challenge to attend these festivals and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Even though you intend to eat healthily, it can become difficult the moment you enter the festival area, and the party is going. If you just finished a weight loss, it can be challenging to “let yourself go” and join the party. Many of my clients are constantly afraid of gaining weight after their weight loss. I am very vocal about the fact that my clients need to enjoy life while maintaining a healthy lifestyle – a festival or a vacation, is not the ending of a weight loss, as long as you are able to “get back on the horse” when it is over. There needs to be room to have fun, but if you “have fun” every day and make unhealthy decisions, it will have an effect on your weight.

Nupo’s One Meal series is the perfect “festival-buddy”. The One Meal Bars and One Meal Shakes can be used to replace 1-2 meals per day if you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. When you replace a meal with a One Meal product, you will only eat about 200 calories! You can make a “festival kit” for yourself, or if you have kids attending a festival, it would be an obvious addition to their backpacks.

When you need to lose weight or want to maintain your current weight, there are two things you can adjust – (1) your calorie intake, and (2) your activity level. In a weight loss, you need to eat fewer calories, than your body uses. This balance should be adjusted if you wish to maintain weight. Another solution is to heighten your activity level or a combination of both. When attending a festival, it is an obvious chance to increase your activity level, by dancing the extra calories away.