Verified by Marianne Poulsen

Certified Nutrition Advisor

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Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is an American tradition, which usually includes flowers and chocolate – Valentine’s Day is always on the 14th of February. I like that we have this special day, where we do something special for the people we care about – this does not mean that we should not do it every day.

Valentine’s Day is not all about flowers and chocolate, but it is also about during something nice for each other and help the ones closest to you, to achieve their goals and dreams. This could – for example – be a weight loss; it can be nice to do different activities together. On Valentine’s Day, you can spend the day – with your partner – and do different activities that get your heart rate up. You can challenge each other to come up with new and exciting activities, which you can do together – for example, bowling. I am rarely at a bowling alley, but I am always surprised, how sore I am the day after.

How do you celebrate Valentine’s Day this year? I will start my day with a short run and then a trip to my local gym. I have my normal routines, which I like to maintain – even when it is Valentine’s Day. This year, Valentine’s Day is in the same week as my children’s winter break, so I will prioritize spending time with them, and do some fun activities – maybe go swimming? Whatever you have planned for Valentine’s Day, I hope you will have a nice day, with the people you care about.

Health consultant, Team Nupo.

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