Verified by Marianne Poulsen

Certified Nutrition Advisor

6 simple tips to eat less

6 simple tips to eat less

When you eat, you actually use all your senses, and you can use small tricks to manipulate them so you eat less and healthier.

# 1 Taste the food thoroughly so you can get all the impressions.

Test yourself to see if you can identify the different ingredients. If you become more aware of what the food actually contains and experience more impressions, it can lead to you eating less while getting more out of your meal. The more senses you use when eating, the fuller you will feel.

# 2 Solid food is best... There might be something to that, as the easier food or drink is to consume, the more we tend to take in.

The stomach doesn't register the amount of liquid in the same way it does with solid food, and we use the senses in our mouth as an indicator of how much we have eaten, and therefore, when we should stop. As a result, we tend to consume far more calories when drinking instead of eating.

When you are on a Nupo plan where you need to consume 6 Diet portions a day, it can be a good idea to mix up the portions throughout the day so you also have something to chew for dinner.

Nupo Diet offers shakes, soups, meals, and desserts. So there is an opportunity to get a good variation between 'solid' food and drinks.

# 3 If you're hungry, first and foremost, remember to drink some liquid. As you might recall from day #3, liquid fills the stomach and can curb the worst hunger. You also need to learn to differentiate between hunger and cravings.

Of course, you shouldn't go around being genuinely hungry. Even if you're trying to lose weight, it's better to eat something so you're not starving, as this could lead to overeating later, often of unhealthy foods.

Therefore, make sure to have some healthy snacks with you so you don't fall into unhealthy traps. Grab an apple, a piece of crispbread, a small handful of nuts, or some sliced vegetables. This can help you avoid overeating later or reaching for the candy drawer after work.

# 4 Do you often eat in front of the TV? You're not alone. But studies show that we tend to eat more when we're not focused. If you're watching TV at the same time, you won't think about how much you're actually putting in your mouth, and you'll forget to notice if you're full. So turn off the TV, put your phone away, and make sure to focus on the food.

# 5 "Out of sight, out of mind" is a saying you've probably heard, but it can actually have a big influence on your eating habits. If food is visible or if you can always see the candy bowl, it's usually much harder to resist, and your brain will automatically think about food. Hide it away, so you're not constantly triggering your urge to eat.

# 6 Eat smaller portions. Over the years, we've slowly become accustomed to eating larger portions. But since it's all about the senses, we can actually do something to limit the amount of food we consume. Try eating your meal with a smaller spoon or on a smaller plate, so the food appears more substantial.

Prepare individual portions and pack away the rest of the food before you start eating. This can prevent you from going for extra servings. Wait a little while after you've eaten the first portion, and see if you're already full.

So remember, it's important to take your time when eating and not rush through it; otherwise, neither your stomach nor your brain has time to register that you're full.
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