Nupo Diet News!
Limited Editions

We have launched 3 brand new Limited Edition Diet flavours. We listened to our customers, and to accommodate all of you who have asked and provided suggestions for new Nupo Diet flavors, we have developed three completely new variants. All three variants have been developed based on the same principles as all our other variants.

They contain a minimal number of calories as well as all the necessary nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that your body needs.
They can be mixed and matched with all other Diet variants and are developed as part of a complete meal replacement where you consume 6 Diet portions per day. Nupo Diet
is classified as a Very Low-Calorie Diet (VLCD).

Diet Oatmeal
Vanilla Red Berries

A new oatmeal enriched with the familiar flavour of vanilla, combined with red berries to create a true experience. The oatmeal is characterized by its soft and substantial texture, providing a mild nutty taste. The delicate vanilla flavour adds a depth of sweetness that pairs perfectly with the fresh tartness of the red berries. The result is a delightful combination of flavour nuances that indulge the taste buds and evoke the feeling of a welcoming morning or a cozy afternoon snack.

And wow – it’s only 117 kcal per portion.

Diet Shake
Chai Latte

A classic Chai Latte that harmonizes all senses of taste in a delightful cup. This aromatic drink is a blend of black tea and a rich combination of spices like cinnamon and cardamom. These spices create a deep, warming flavour that embraces the senses, resulting in a soothing, well-balanced taste experience that invites relaxation and enjoyment, perfect for cherishing moments of comfort and

Tip! Can also be enjoyed ice cold.
Pour over ice cubes and enjoy.

Only 120 kcal per portion.

Diet Dessert
Chocolate Pudding

A diet-friendly chocolate pudding presents a clever fusion of flavour and nutrition. It combines the rich, enticing taste of chocolate with a light and airy texture. The distinct flavour of chocolate bites takes centre stage, creating a satisfying sensory experience, and it contains fewer calories, making it a welcomed treat for those who want to indulge without compromising their dietary goals.

And wow – it’s only 120 kcal per portion.

Limited Edition Bundle

Try these three remarkable Nupo Diet Innovations Now Step into a world of culinary delight with our latest creations, each designed to cater to diverse tastes and preferences. These newly launched Nupo Diet Limited Editions redefine variety and satisfaction.
Experience the Nupo Diet diversity like never before with these three new offerings. Each product is carefully crafted to cater to unique preferences, ensuring that everyone can find their perfect fit. Elevate your culinary experience and embrace a more balanced day with Nupo Diet’s newest additions.

€ 70.36 
€ 48.00