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How to lose weight fast

You may be wondering about quick weight loss and how much weight you can lose in a week. There are different ways to go about weight loss – depending on your specific goals and needs, you can choose to follow a normal, energy-restricted diet or a faster method of losing weight. One way to promote rapid weight loss is with a Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD), where you consume up to 800 calories a day. There are also various supplements that can help to boost weight loss.

The general guidelines for healthy weight loss, recommend losing at a moderate pace of approximately 0.5 to 1 kilo per week, according to the British Nutrition Foundation. How much weight you can lose in a week depends on your height, weight and BMI (Body Mass Index). BMI indicates a range of healthy weight for a given height and can be a helpful tool to assess how much you may want to lose if you carry excess weight. It is easy to find out where you are on the index with an online BMI calculator.

For a Very Low Calorie Diet, the expected weight loss results are considerably quicker. Weight loss rate differs from person to person, and results will vary since each body is unique and will react differently to dietary changes. Clinical studies show that it is possible to lose approximately 10 to 15% of your starting weight within an 8-week period.

Weight loss plan

Diets for quick weight loss can include various foods, meal replacement bars or shakes, soups, supplements and fasting. Some of the best quick weight loss tips are fundamental to general health, such as eating a balanced diet with adequate nutrition, listening to your own body when it comes to hunger and when you actually feel full, scheduling regular physical activity, keeping well hydrated, getting proper rest, and minimising stress.

A 7-day diet plan for weight loss can be an effective way to organize what you will eat in a week if you are looking for effective, quick weight loss. The best diet for quick weight loss can look very different from one food plan to another, depending on each individual’s needs and the way the body reacts. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a healthy diet includes fresh vegetables, legumes, fruits, nuts and whole grains. Also, a sound food plan will restrict sugar intake to less than 10%, with even more health benefits when reducing the amount to less than 5%. Diet foods and meal replacements can be a great aid to weight loss for many people looking to lose weight quickly, since they are an easy way to ensure that you meet all the essential nutrition requirements with minimal calories.

So, while the best diet for some may be follow a traditional regimen, including moderate portions of a variety of whole, unprocessed foods and avoiding desserts and sweets, others might opt for a Very Low Calorie Diet, use meal replacements for either all or some of their daily meals or incorporate weight loss supplements that can help them to lose weight and keep it off. If you have any questions or concerns about a Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) consult your GP before starting this type of diet.

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A healthy amount of protein

When you lose weight fast, you may likely lose muscle mass along with fat. So if you are keeping to a quick weight loss diet plan, such as a fast 800 calorie diet or another type of quick fix weight loss program, it is advisable to monitor and maintain your muscle mass as you lose weight. If you are eating a healthy diet while incorporating an appropriate amount of strength training, you can help to build your muscle mass.

Getting an adequate amount of protein is also an important part of your diet to consider when you want to increase muscle mass. Protein is an essential nutrient that the body uses to build and repair cells, which you can get from animal sources such as meat, poultry, fish or eggs, or low-fat dairy products as well as vegetarian alternatives such as nuts and seeds, lentils, beans and soy products. Supplements like protein bars and protein shakes are a quick way to increase the amount of protein in your diet. Protein is the building block of the body, and it may also help to keep up your motivation since it can help you to feel full for a longer time so you won’t feel deprived while sticking to a restricted calorie diet.

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Diet Plan for weight loss

A weight loss diet is completely individual depending on the needs, goals, and preferences for each person. Some people enjoy a diet of whole, unprocessed foods with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Others find that a meal replacement diet works best, by including meal replacements and diet shakes for weight loss in their usual food plan. It goes without saying that prioritising your health is a solid foundation for any diet plan. Many people have a lot of success with a diet plan that feels comfortable and easily sustainable. Of course, results differ from person to person – it is always a good idea to check with your GP if you have questions about how to lose weight and choosing the ideal diet for your body’s needs.

Another popular diet that many people have gotten positive results with is a fasting diet. In various traditions and cultures around the world, fasting is used as a tool for not only physical purposes, but also mental clarity and a general sense of wellbeing and connectedness. A diet plan where you abstain from eating for periods of time has the advantage of being very simple and allowing you to save time on food preparation and eating, which really comes in handy in a modern, busy lifestyle. There are many variations of fasting diets, such as an intermittent fasting diet like the 5:2 diet, where you eat close to maintenance level on five days of the week and then restrict your caloric intake for two days.

At Nupo, we suggest the 2:5 diet or On & Off Diet if you want to fast, since you can easily adjust the periods of time when you eat regularly and then when you limit your caloric intake to suit your individual needs. When consuming Nupo on fasting days, you are ensured to get all the nutrients your body needs making it easier to keep to the plan.

No matter which method you decide to try, a nice complement to most every diet is to ensure you drink enough fluids so that you stay well-hydrated. Of course, physical activity is also a key ingredient for maintaining physical fitness and a healthy condition. Although you can definitely achieve weight loss through a diet plan alone – simply by reducing the number of calories you eat to be less than what you expend in a day – building muscle mass can help you to burn calories more efficiently and can contribute greatly to overall health. For this reason, some people opt to go with a muscle gain diet plan where they focus on getting enough protein. With so many different types of diet plans to explore, you can notice what calls to you and discover just what kind of diet is most aligned with your lifestyle.

A diet for each and everyone 

Some food plans that are medically prescribed for specific conditions also function as a diet that helps to shed extra kilos, such as the Keto diet. Other diets serve to alleviate physical symptoms while also supporting a healthy body weight, like an anti-inflammatory diet which includes foods like olive oil, tomatoes and salmon that help to fight inflammation in conditions like arthritis and can also help prevent heart disease and diabetes.

A gluten-free diet is a necessity for people with the autoimmune disease known as celiac’s disease but can also help relieve various symptoms in people who are sensitive to the gluten you find in wheat and starchy foods like bread. Some people choose to adhere to a diet plan for ethical reasons as well as health. For example, a vegetarian diet plan is a plant-based diet that does not include meat or fish. Taking the concept even further, a vegan diet plan cuts out all animal products altogether, including dairy products, eggs, and honey.

For people who need to supplement with specific nutrients, a meal replacement diet plan can help to ensure that the body’s requirements are met. If your protein intake is low or you are looking to build muscle mass, then a protein bar or meal replacement high in protein can help you hit your nutritional goals. When you are looking for a diet to suit your individual needs, it is fortunate that there are so many different types to choose from to suit a seemingly endless range of preferences, goals, and physical needs.

A healthy lifestyle

Health, as a lifestyle commitment, is a great foundation for sustainable weight loss. There are a whole host of benefits from losing excess body fat and maintaining a healthy weight for your height as a result of a sound and balanced diet. Feeling lighter and more confident in the way you look are additional benefits. Even if you are thinking more about fitting into your favourite trousers than improving your health and being less at risk for certain diseases and conditions, whatever diet plan works for you and keeps you motivated is effective.

An ideal diet for weight loss is a simple and efficient diet that suits your preferences and condition. For many, an ideal diet plan might be one that can have quick results – but the fastest route is not always the most healthy or sustainable way to go about it. If you keep yourself and optimal health as the main priority, you can reframe the word “quick” to mean the most efficient for your body’s natural rhythm. This reframing allows you to focus on self-care and not feeling pulled to compare your progress with others. When you find out what motivates you, it’s good to stick with it on your journey to finding a diet plan that is healthy and sustainable.

The formula for weight loss is always the same: the number of calories consumed, needs to be fewer than the number of calories burned. This means that no matter what you eat – whether it is meal replacement shakes or other kinds of diet food or even your favourite goodies – as long as your daily caloric intake is less than your daily energy expenditure, you are bound to lose weight. As you can see from the many types of diets and food plans, there are many ways and methods to go about sustainable weight loss while improving your overall health.

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Weight loss – a growing challenge

Over the past few decades, the number of people who are overweight has increased exponentially. Being overweight is a condition that is defined by a person being at a weight that is high enough to present a health risk, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Obesity is the term for when someone is excessively overweight. Although there are a great number of factors that contribute to weight gain, it is generally caused by a caloric intake that is too high for the energy a person burns. This means that they are eating too much for the amount of activity they do. To put it in a simple equation, calories in, equals calories out, so the number of calories you eat needs to be less than what you burn in order to lose weight.

Carrying extra body weight has many negative consequences. The excess kilos put a strain on the body and can contribute to sickness and disease over time, e.g. high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, and type II diabetes, which are all serious conditions that are health effects of being overweight or obese. Many people might be concerned about how they look and search for the best way to lose belly fat to fit in to those favourite jeans, but there are more critical reasons that support healthy benefits of a weight loss. Even with a smaller weight loss, a person can be at a lesser risk for a number of health conditions. The quality of life can be much higher when you are at a healthy weight for your body.

The best way to lose weight

In a nutshell, to lose weight you need to burn more energy than you take in. Doctors generally recommend eating healthy meals for weight loss, including a balanced diet of a variety of whole foods, with fruits and vegetables, whole grains, proteins, and healthy fats. They advise you to be mindful of calorie intake, listen to hunger and fullness cues, exercise regularly, drink enough water and get adequate, quality sleep.

However, some people still prefer to kickstart their weight loss and to go on a restricted diet plan for a period of time. They may consider a Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) which consists of a maximum of 800 calories per day, in a nutritionally balanced way. How many calories to lose weight for your particular body type depends on how much you burn in a day. It depends on your height, age, condition and how much you exercise. If you have any questions or concerns about a Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) consult your GP before starting this type of diet.

What should I eat to lose weight?

The most successful way to lose weight is to make lifestyle changes and have a clear idea of how much you need to drop and a realistic timeframe to achieve that goal. Official dietary guidelines recommend eating a balanced diet with moderate portions, engaging in regular physical activity, and eating plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, 350 grams of fish per week, and whole grains. They also encourage staying hydrated and to be mindful of both salt and saturated fat intake. When trying to lose weight, it is also helpful to keep an eye on sugar intake, and to avoid using sweets and desserts as a reward.

Diet food in the form of meal replacements can be a great way to kick-start weight loss, or just as a convenient way to grab a quick meal that provides ample nutrition. Some complete diet replacements are designed to replace all your daily meals – whether it’s diet shakes, diet meals or diet soups. Alternatively, you can also use diet foods to replace a portion of what you eat in a day. Diet foods like these offer a simple and convenient way to manage your weight in a busy, everyday lifestyle while ensuring that you get all the necessary protein, fibres, vitamins and minerals.

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Weight loss associated with bariatric surgery

There are many benefits to having bariatric surgery. Obesity carries risks of developing several diseases and can also increase the risk of developing obesity, which is a chronic disease in itself. Diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and cholesterol, or pregnancy and childbirth complications can be improved after bariatric surgery.

Subsequently, when you have undergone bariatric surgery, you will receive a treatment plan from your clinical therapist along with a dietitian. This treatment plan, incl. a follow-up, you will have to follow for a certain period and although the plan itself may vary from patient and clinic, it is usually a period of 1-2 years. During the treatment plan, it is important to develop a new mindset concerning diet and health and plan how to eat healthy food for you to avoid ending up with the same habits that led to the bariatric surgery in the first place.

The time after surgery
The results can vary greatly from person to person, and it is therefore difficult to answer how much weight you will lose, but it is usually 1-2 kg per week. It may also vary depending on the procedure that has been performed at the clinic as there are several alternatives to the surgery. To find out which procedure is relevant for you, you should contact a dietitian or a clinic for the correct guidance.

It is important to follow the treatment plan that is set up from the start and incorporate new lifestyle patterns into both your diet and exercise. It is common to set aside time to exercise together with consuming both fluids and food when you have returned home from the clinic, however, it is your diet that is the most important factor in the beginning. It is also recommended to take a sick leave for the first few weeks after surgery to let your stomach recover. If you succeed in achieving a healthier lifestyle, a long-term result can be maintained after the surgery.

The diet after an obesity operation
There are no guidelines regarding your diet when it has been a long time since the bariatric surgery. It is recommended to eat regular food, but it is important to think about the kind of diet and nutrition you are consuming. After a long time, it usually works to vary the diet and there are rarely foods that cannot be eaten. This is of course completely individual and can be completely different based on any previous challenges or complications that have been associated with the surgery.

Nupo after surgery
The time after the operation is divided into different phases, where the consistency of your food is important to consider. The first week you should only consume a liquid diet. Here, Nupo Diet has several Diet Shake flavours you can choose from, which are enjoyed cold. A few weeks later, your diet needs to be creamier and here you can also consume both Nupo Diet Soups- and Meals. All variants of Nupo Diet can therefore be used from the day you had surgery and up to 8 weeks after.

With Nupo Diet you get a full diet replacement that ensures both variety, great taste and all the necessary nutrition in the form of macro- and micronutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals.

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Vegetable snacks with pea dip

Snacks are almost impossible to avoid. We like to snack! However, we also know that snacking is one of those irritating habits that has a way of making it difficult to maintain our weight. A good way to revert these bad habits are by simply replacing our snack time with healthy options. The crunch of the vegetables and the taste of the dip can quite often do the trick. Here’s one suggestion for a very healthy snack.

You’ll need:

1 bell pepper
¼ cucumber
1 carrot
1 celery bundle
40 g frozen peas
½ large garlic clove
2 tsp. Greek yoghurt, 2%
A pinch of sea salt
A little fresh ground pepper

How to prepare:

Pour boiling water over the peas so they thaw. Blend them together with the pressed garlic and Greek yoghurt. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Cut the vegetables into long pieces or sticks. Prepare on a small plate or take it with you to work as a snack. You can also use it as an accompaniment to your dinner.

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Raita means an Indian side dish made of yogurt, usually diced cucumber, and seasonings. A dressing or dip you can use for so many different dishes. The bonus is that it is so easy to make yourself.

You’ll need:

250 g Greek yoghurt (2%)
½ cucumber
3 large tomatoes
1 large garlic clove
1 tsp. cumin
1 tsp. salt
a little fresh ground pepper

How to prepare:

Cut the cucumber and tomato into small cubes. Mix them into the yoghurt and add grated garlic, cumin, and salt and pepper to taste.

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Spaghetti squash with meat sauce

Spaghetti squash is in itself a low-calorie food and its fiber content makes it a very full-filling meal as a substitute for real spaghetti, which is a high-calorie food. It can be a great replacement for weight-control and even weight-loss. In it self it does not have a lot of taste, but it can easily be spiced up with a delicious meat sauce!

You’ll need:

You’ll need:
450 g minced beef (max. 7%)
1 leek
¼ pointed white cabbage
1 large onion
1 can of chopped tomatoes
150 ml water
1 tsp. salt
A pinch of pepper
1 tbsp. paprika
A dash of oregano
2 squash
40 g grated parmesan
(Optional) a little flat-leaf parsley

Equipment: spiralizer

How to prepare:

Finely chop the leek, onion and cabbage. Heat the oil in a pot. Brown the ground beef and add the vegetables. Add the chopped tomatoes and 200 ml water. Add salt, pepper, paprika, and oregano to taste. Let the meat sauce simmer for at least 15 min. Put the squash through the spiralizer and place in a bowl. Season with salt and add boiling water to the bowl. Let sit for about 5 min. (If you don’t have a spiralizer, you can peel long pieces off the squash using a potato peeler) Top with grated parmesan, and optionally a little parsley.

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Kale Salad

The health benefits of kale. Kale is considered some of the most nutritious food there is. Kale contains very little fat, but a large portion of the fat there is in Kale, is an omega-3 fatty acid called alpha linolenic-acid. Kale is very high in antioxidants. It is an great source of vitamin C and vitamin K. Kale is incidentally also a great source of minerals, something that most people do not get nearly enough of. Kale is a weight loss friendly food, because it is very low in calories, but has a lot of fulness that can help you feel full – and healthy.

You’ll need:

250 g kale
100 g pomegranate seeds, fresh
½ Hokkaido pumpkin
45 g walnuts
50 g feta cheese (17% / 40+)
A pinch of salt and pepper

How to prepare:

Set the oven to 200 C° convection. Peel the squash and cut it in half. Remove the seeds from the squash and cut it into smaller pieces. Season with salt and pepper and bake in the oven for about 20 minutes or until the squash pieces are golden brown. Chop the walnuts into large pieces. Mix the kale and squash pieces in a bowl and top with pomegranate seeds.

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Chicken Meat Balls

A great a very tasty meal to enjoy – or to serve to guests. Chicken Meat Balls are just delicious and quite easy to make!

You’ll need:

500 g minced chicken (max. 6%)
100 g chopped spinach
½ grated squash
1 large onion
2-3 garlic cloves, pressed
1 egg
2 tsp. salt
A pinch of pepper (optional) A pinch of chili

How to prepare:

Set the oven to 200 C° convection. Mix together all the ingredients in a bowl. Form the chicken meatballs with a tablespoon using a little water so that the meatballs don’t get too sticky. Place them on a baking paper on a baking tray. Bake them at 200 C° convection for about 25 min. until they are golden brown.
You can also make a double portion, as these chicken meatballs can easily be frozen and used again for your next meal.